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A new plan to bury the A4 between Hammersmith and the Hogarth Roundabout has been proposed. A group of architects in Brook Green have created a concept scheme to gauge interest and support.
The Harclow Group were responding to the fears that the Hammersmith Flyover may need replacing eventually, and have proposed a more environmentally friendly approach to taking traffic through the hammersmith junction. Residents with a keen memory will remember that this was first proposed in 2008 (see 'Plans To Expose The Brook').
The full design and idea will be on show in Lyric Square, Hammersmith, between 11am and 5pm on Saturday, June 23 where residents can quiz architects on their idea.
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A campaign has been started by local politicians to convince London Mayor Boris Johnson to allow the Piccadilly Line to stop at Turnham Green Station. Hounslow MP Mary Maclead was campaigning outside Turnham Green Station last week, to promote the idea of the trains stopping. The campaign has been kicked by TFL announcing a consultation which will start on 27th August and end on 7th October.
TFL have announced that the consultation will include Piccadilly line customers, Turnham Green station customers, residents, businesses and commuters.
Read more: Stopping the Piccadilly Line At Turnham Green
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On 13 December, there was an exhibition at the Town Hall of the two outline plans being proposed by developers for the Town Hall site. Planning permission will not be applied for until well into 2013. Both will contain a small cinema and neither will have the proposed brideg over the A4. No building will be more than eight floors high. One scheme involves a building within the footprint of the Town Hall extension but with a two floor and 15 metre wide arch within it - to allow the old Town Hall facade to be visible from King Street.
Read more: New Plans For Town Hall Site